CEO/CMO – Combined Position OK with HRSA
Today, I received confirmation that the CEO can in fact also be the Chief Medical Officer/Medical Director. It has been the practice in the past that we separate these two – however, there is no need “as long as the grantee/LAL applicant can present a proposal to HRSA that is logical and reflects their scope of project, the combination of CEO/CMO could be allowable.” BPHC Answers This is a great opportunity for some of the smaller health centers that are managed by physicians to continue the practice of their CEO also providing the clinical oversight. Also, remember that HRSA is changing the option of contracting for the CEO/Project Director. FQHCs can no longer contract for the CEO position as explained in the manual on Page 46 – “The health center’s governing board determines under what circumstances it is appropriate and necessary to contract for the Project Director/CEO position rather than directly employ this individual.” The revised manual is expected out shortly.
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Have a wonderful weekend!
- Eileen