Eileen's Insights


National Environmental Scan


Working on my Collaborative’s External Environmental Scan, a requirement for ORHP’s Network Development Planning Grantees, I came across Hospitals & Health Networks’ “The 2018 Environmental Scan” and I thought it was worth sharing. The information presents the trends that will be felt in 2018 and beyond through the lens of access, value, partners, well-being, and coordination.

The report provides a Futurescan Insight that is exciting news for those of us working on care transition and care management. “By 2022, 51% of hospital executives think it very likely that their hospital will implement secure, HIPAA-enabled cloud technology to promote collaboration and information sharing across the organization and among providers, regardless of location. Almost half (48%) of respondents think it very likely that physicians and other caregivers at their hospital will have access to computer-generated optimal care pathways for individual patients, based on the patient’s data and longitudinal data from comparable patients.”

Have a great week!


2018 Environmental Scan